Philippians 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Negative 5 Degrees

(Excerpts from Elder's email dated: December 16th, 2013)
My week has been alright. I have been just freezing cold. I am am sick right now and my body is just soar. It is -5 degrees right now,with wind chill of -17 degrees.
The situation with A. is not going well. He's never home we haven't gotten a chance to talk with him. It is frustrating.  As of this week we were able to have another baptism set up. His name is J. D. We are going over today to teach the restoration to his whole family. The other day we were able to give him and his daughter C. a blessing.  We have to both pray and fast at this point for his whole family but,  he is really excited to be baptized on the 17th of January.
I am really come to turns with myself. I just love being a missionary, even though we get cussed at and rebuked by the people constantly. I am getting to know who I really am every single day and it is eye opening. This will be my first missionary Christmas and it is going to be fun. We get to knock on doors and talk of the Christ:) SWEET!!

I have been really thinking about how grateful I am for the atonement and how it plays such a big role in our lives. I really had NO knowledge of the atonement until now entering into the battlefield of good and evil.  Wisconsin is a special place and I realize humbly that no ordinary missionary serves in this state.
Your Missionary

1 comment:

  1. Your Cheer leading Grandma here, Elder Elias McMoore. MERRY CHRISTMAS SON.
    Yes growth in learning is a never ending process. Isn't that a wonderful gift? Remain prayerful and never get discouraged. Trials and Challenges are the feed stock of faith and wisdom. You're in that learning curve Son. Mahalo, malo aupito, and malo for keeping the faith. God Bless and keep you and your companion healthy and happy in his work. Alofa tele mo oe,
    Grandma Asipau
